Butcher, Markus

Hello My Name Is...

<Mr. Markus Butcher>

Mr. Butcher

 I earned a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Akron  focusing on music education and studied classical and jazz trombone.  I began teaching music in Sharyland in 2001 and was named John H. Shary's Teacher of the Year in 2005.  My room number is 318 and my conference times are on Tuesdays from 10:30-11:15 a.m.  and Thursdays from 11:15-1200 p.m.

                                                             Shimotsu Music Schedule 24-25.pdf

 Expectations for Music Class

ake the right sound and the right time.
  Use instruments carefully.
 Stay in your assigned spot.
 Interact Positively 


Music, the Ukulele Way
Recorder Karate
Music Class Videos