Lopez, Juan

Juan Lopez III Harry Shimotsu Elementary PE/Health (956)583-5643
I am excited and looking forward
to the upcoming 2024-2025 school year here at Shimotsu Elementary!
This will be my sixth year working in the Sharyland district and my second year at Shimotsu Elementary. I earned a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions via our campus phone number or through Remind.


Shimotsu Elementary PE Schedule


8:05 AM

8:50 AM

4th Grade

8:50 AM

9:35 AM


9:35 AM

10:20 AM

1st Grade

10:20 AM

11:05 AM

2nd Grade

11:05 AM

11:50 AM

3rd Grade

1:05 PM

1:50 PM

5th Grade

1:50 PM

2:35 PM

6th Grade

2:35 PM

3:20 PM